All culture arises out of religion. When religious faith decays, culture must decline, though often seeming to flourish for a space of time after the religion which has nourished it has fallen into disbelief... no cultured person should remain indifferent to the erosion of apprehension of the transcendent.'

Russell Kirk, Eliot and His Age

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Wait!... What??

Anyway, in England a Catholic schoolgirl has been listed as truant for refusing to wear a headscarf to a mandatory trip to a mosque... 

Now, I am trying to figure out what part of this is the most unsettling... that a Catholic schoolgirl is being required to go to a mosque... that it is a Catholic school that is requiring her to go to a mosque... or that it is this same Catholic school that is punishing this girl for refusing to wear a headscarf...

I can understand that a Catholic school can mandate students to do things that they may not want to do... and I agree that a Catholic school should function in loco parentis and that a Catholic school should be given fairly wide-ranging authority over the actions of its students... however, it seems bizarre to utilize this authority to force a Catholic child to dress as a muslim and go to a mosque.  If it were the case that this was a Catholic student attending a muslim school, I would completely support the school requiring their students to adhere to their dress codes and cultural mores (I would ask why a Catholic parent was sending their child to a muslim school, though); however, I have deep problems with this sort of 'ecumenism' that seems to serve no purpose other than to water-down the unique nature of the Catholic Church.

I should also point out that I completely support requiring women to cover their heads when attending Mass... so I am not against head-scarves in general... nor do I consider them to be 'muslim'.

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